
The message of the death of Politkovskaya coincided with her murder.

SyuzhetyUbiystvo Anna Politkovskoy22.12.2008Odnogo of the accused during the investigation was never questioned in the case of the ubiystveAnonimny call the police to report the discovery of the body Options "Novaya Gazeta" Anna Politkovskaya coincided with the murder of the journalist. This became known at a meeting of the Moscow District Military Court, said RIA Novosti.
During interrogation, the Criminal Investigation Department Operupolnomochennyj Tverskoi district of Moscow Senior Lieutenant Vadim Арсанов (it was a report about the discovery of the body Politkovskaya), reported that the call that the browser "Novaya Gazeta, was found dead, entered in 16:06. This was stated in the report Arsanova as the death of Politkovskaya. In doing so, the results of storyboards video recording systems, it became clear that Politkovskaya entered the gate in 16:06, while less than 30 seconds after that, at 16:07, from the porch ran the alleged killer.
The lawyer of one of the defendants, Murad Musayev commented on the testimony of police and concluded that the police can call himself a murderer or an unidentified witness.
Browser "Novaya Gazeta" Anna Politkovskaya was shot dead in the entrance of the house where she lived on Forest Street in Moscow on 7 October 2006. At the dock on trial for the murder of a journalist caught Jabrayil and Ibrahim Makhmudov and Sergei Hadzhikurbanov. They are, according to the investigation, participated in the killings. Rustam Makhmudov, a brother of two figurantov case is considered the direct perpetrators, and he remains at large and declared wanted. Set customer murder investigation was unable to, at a court hearing, there was the version that Politkovskaya had decided to attempt to arrange a Russian politician, cranky publications journalist.

"Grani.ru" came under DDoS-attack.

News site "Grani.ru" December 24, suffered a powerful DDoS-attack. Access to the resource stopped at 11 pm Moscow time. This correspondent Lenty.ru "said director Granit Julia Berezovskaya.
In the afternoon, the site of Graney.ru worked intermittently. By 17 o'clock instead of the main page for vyvodilas only the letter "x".
Before the DDoS-attacks have also been opposition sites Kasparov.ru and Natsbol.ru. A DDoS-attacks on 23 and 24 December at the site also reported resource IKD.ru ", describing the social and initiatives, including the protest.
DDoS-attack represents a generation of large numbers of requests from multiple server computers. The purpose of such an attack - to withdraw from the server, taking all available resources of the processing of such "excessive" demands.

The Russian businessman has not been able to buy Britain's Evening Standard.

The Russian businessman Alexander Lebedev was unable to buy the British newspaper Evening Standard. This writes The Financial Times. The amount and other details of the possible deal is unknown.
The company Daily Mail & General Trust (DMGT), owns the Evening Standard, dismissed the proposal Lebedeva of purchase without explanation. According to one of the participants in the market, DMGT "extremely sensitive" refers to its publications and for anything not agreed to sell one of them is Russia's oligarchs, writes The Financial Times.
The proposal to purchase Evening Standard DMGT Lebedev made in late 2008, like The Guardian.
Alexander Lebedev, is the owner of National Reserve Bank and the National Reserve Corporation, which brings together about a hundred companies, and controls about 30 percent of Aeroflot. In mid-2008, the year Lebedev headed the media, which was established on the basis of "Novaya Gazeta". Together with the former Soviet Union president Mikhail Gorbachev businessman owns 49 percent of the shares "Novaya Gazeta".

Playboy has refused to apologize to the Mexicans for cover.

Mexican edition of Playboy magazine published a commentary in defense of his numbers from the cover, which was posted photo poluobnazhennoy girls, stylized image of the Virgin Mary, reported CNN.
According to the publishers of the magazine: "Photography has never been conceived as an image of the Virgin Gvadelupskoy (Virgin Mary), or any other religious character and is not so."
Nevertheless, the number of Playboy came a few days before the Mexican Catholics celebrated the feast of Virgin Gvadelupskoy.
The publication sparked protests among believers and discussion in the media. Renowned American priest Albert Kyuti (Albert Cutie) called the cover "terrible" and "bogohulstvennoy."

Reuters and Politico launched a joint project.

Revision of American political publication Politico and the news agency Reuters will offer joint media articles and materials, reported The International Herald Tribune.

Newspapers that subscribe to the new service will be able to choose daily to ten articles and photos for hosting and, moreover, will have access to news Reuters.

Instead, Reuters and Politico will have the opportunity to advertise on sites of publications, putting them articles. Revenue from advertising will be shared between Reuters and Politico on the one hand and newspapers, on the other.

The first six months of service will be free. In the future, probably will be charged for the use of materials Reuters. Meanwhile, it is noted that there still is a pilot project. If it proves successful, cooperation and Politico Reuters will continue.

In Reuters, which has its headquarters in London, hoping that cooperation with the popular American edition will open the agency access to the media the U.S. market. Reuters is in the U.S. with 15 customers, while the Associated Press of 1400. For its part, subscribers to the material Politico are 60 American newspapers and more than 40 radio and television.

Oleg Romantsev will telekommentatorom.

The former head coach of Moscow "Spartacus" and the Russia national team soccer commentator Oleg Romantsev will be on the NTV-Plus. In the near future Romantsev comment on a few games last year with the "Spartacus" and the national team in Russia. In the future the state of the analytical program. This is, in his blog on the site Sports.ru wrote a commentator on NTV-Plus "Vasily Utkin.
In the historic series of matches, which will comment on Romantsev, probably will play "Spartacus" in the Champions League against Madrid "Real" (1998) and the English "Blackburn" (1996). In addition, the coach will comment played a match in 1981, Brazil and the USSR, which Romantsev was the captain of the Soviet team.
The entire series of games of past years will be shown before the start of Russia's soccer championship in 2009. "If the joint efforts will bring us pleasure, we will format for the regular program Oleg Romantseva for our football channels. This will be the analytical program of the Russian football" - written in the blog Utkina.
Oleg Romantsev, January 4, which turned 55 years as a player appeared in Krasnoyarsk "Avtomobilist, Moscow Spartak and USSR. He began his career coach in 1984, becoming a mentor "Krasnaya Presnya. In 1988, Romantsev worked with "Spartak" of Ordzhonikidze, and in 1989 headed the Moscow Spartak.
For the Metropolitan team Romantsev worked until 2003 and won the championship of the USSR in 1989, and nine championships in Russia and three Cup of Russia. Under the leadership of Romantseva "Spartacus" was published in the European Champions Cup semifinal, the holders of the Cup Winners Cup and UEFA Cup.
From September 2003 to February 2004 Romantsev led by the Moscow "Saturn", and from February 2004 to May 2005 - Moscow Dynamo. During 1994-1996, and in 1998-2002 he was head coach of Russia. When Romantseve national team reaches the final stages of Euro 1996 and World Cup - 2002. He is currently a trainer-consultant in Moscow club "Nika".

About 70 percent of Russians believe the central television truthful.

Among the most trusted sources of information to the Russians enjoyed a central television. He expressed a preference for about 70 per cent of the poll, conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) in late November, soobschaetcya in a press release center.
Of the 1600 respondents in 140 cities of Russia expressed distrust of the central television, 25 per cent and 8 per cent do not trust him totally, and 2 percent of those surveyed did not use this source of information. "
Second place Russians gave local television, the trust which admitted 63 percent of respondents, while the level of distrust local television about sharing it with the central (24 percent), but do not watch local television four times as many Russians - 8 per cent.
Very near the level of confidence demonstrated the central and regional press publications, which rely on 50 per cent of the population. A quarter of Russians do not trust the press, a fifth of those surveyed did not read newspapers and magazines.
According to the poll, half of Russians (51 percent) does not use the Internet, trusted information from a network of 23 per cent of users, from 16 per cent of the World Wide Web is not a matter of confidence.
The lowest level of confidence was a foreign media, information deemed accurate only 14 per cent and 20 per cent of Russians have indicated their distrust to the source. More than half the residents of Russia (56 percent) do not apply to foreign media.
Russians are inclined to trust the information received from the media than from their loved ones and friends (respectively 49 and 24 per cent). Among the reasons for such a relationship known as the following: "in the media more credible and objective information" - 33 per cent "in the media more proven, official information" - 13 percent; professionals working in the media, are better - 11 percent; information You can compare different media "- 10 per cent" of the media, there is no alternative, relatives and friends know more than me "- 9 protsentov.Esche three percent of those surveyed cited the fact that" in the media interesting, "and 25 percent of Russians could not explain Why do they trust the media more than the relatives and friends.


作者:白振华 新加坡前国会议员

在美国普林斯顿大学( Princeton University),从早报网站阅读到,章子怡上周到加勒比海群岛度假,并在沙滩上和未婚夫享受日光浴的照片曝光后,被中国数万网民严厉批评一事,刚巧那段时间我和家人也在加勒比海群島度假。过去几年,我们曾到过加勒比海群岛度假三次,那里有不少美丽沙滩,享受日光浴的人群很多,有些甚至赤身裸体,一絲不挂,对长期生活在传统文化家庭的我们,或多或少都会感到一些“不自在”。



如果传统的中国人也到这些特殊沙滩一看,密密麻麻都是全裸的人,那么章子怡的日光浴照片和比基尼穿著就显得保守了。但我发觉在这些沙滩戏水的中国移民,也和我们一样“见怪不怪了” ,或许他们移民到美国后,渐渐的习以为常,并融入了西方的开放社会。他们已经不会用传统中国人眼光去看加勒比海群島的沙滩日光浴或天体会了。








Cada cierto tiempo se encarna un ángel en este planeta, para recordarnos que podemos ser mejores, con mucho respeto y cariño para mi sobrino, Agustín

La alegría
se ha encarnado,
la inocencia
se hizo eterna,
la maldad
retrocedió furiosa.
¿que sería de nuestras
fiestas, sin ti?
¿quién animaría
nuestros encuentros?
¿quién nos enseñaría
el amor?
¿en que lugar estaríamos
mas cerca del cielo,
si no es a tu lado?
muy dentro de nosotros,
vive un niño como tú, olvidado.
Cuando llegue el fin,
para nosotros, simples mortales,
pasaremos por tribunales,
para ti, pequeño serafín
cuando llegue el gran final,
no habrá ningún tribunal,
pasarás sin permiso
ha vivir el paraíso.


La Mar...

La Mar...

Por qué ese miedo... al sufrimiento...

cuando hay un sentimiento;

tan profundo, lleno, sincero,

que incluso en la distancia

a su modo va creciendo,

y no se puede parar, es...

por ese hermoso sentimiento

lejos y al mismo tiempo...

tan cerca que casi...

se puede tocar, percibiendo

como si fuese tangible.

El Amor es como la Mar...

Algunas veces:

... llega en paz

... calma

... armonía

... sosiego

Otras veces:

... llega brava

... enfurecida

Sin embargo

habiendo esa

perfecta conjunción...

entre dos Almas,

que sin ningún esfuerzo

cuando estando juntas

pasa el tiempo... sin sentir

por qué será.

Es fácil... se da

una ternura sin igual,

porque son dos Almas en una...

disfrutando al compás del otro,

por ello desechemos

ese temor al sufrimiento,

y vivamos ese sentimiento,

tranquilo, pausado, sosegado.

No hacen falta promesas

porque se quiere así...

disfrutar de la ternura

que en esos momentos,

se da de una manera tan llena

que el tiempo transcurre...

sin sentir y quizás no siendo tanto

es como si fuese infinto...

porque esas dos Almas en una

... lo han llenado por completo...

